Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What a difference three years make! Even tho most everybody keeps up with us on Facebook I was asked to update on all the happenings especially my condition. Since last time posting Bryce has grown so much and is the light of our lives. Also we have our own home and Larry is still enjoying his job at coke. However for me I have had my ups and down, even tho it feels like mostly down right now. Yes , I'm a little moody lately but with just cause so I will cut to the chase. Just A quick update for those that are new to my page I will put my bio and latest post from my ms blog:
My name Cindy , married,and living with progressive remitting MS. I was diagnosed about nine years ago and ignored it, yes ignored. I didn't want anyone to know ,mostly I wanted to forget it (after all I'm young and nothing will happen) . Loving life, my husband and I wanted children and we were told we never could have them. With that being said we accepted and went on, we enjoyed being on the water, hiking, and just being active together when BAM, Here comes Bryce! We enjoyed our child and was getting into the grove of being older new parents and loved it (still do). Until last year I started having more issues. The problem I ignored and placed out of my mind was coming back, and it was coming back with a vengeance . To date it has spread to my left and right lobes of my brain, neck, and spinal cord. I can no longer enjoy our hikes, and playing with Bryce is sometimes a challenge. Most recently the medicine I was taking had turned against me and I am having to take a more aggressive approach with a new higher dose injection. MS has decided to try to take me before I am ready. Granted I'm still being an active " tree hugger" ( those of you that know me well) , I've had to say goodbye to a lot . Yes I'm mad as hell, but God is still good and I still beleave there is something more he has planned for me. I'm not ready to give up this fight , just take a look at Bryce and Larry!

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